Tag: Namib-Naukluft National Park

Southern Africa – Day 42 – Ballooning, Namibrand Family Hideout, Namibia

Ballooning this morning, which means an exceptionally early morning start. Up at 3.30am to pack the car- the only problem with having your home on your back! We travel for around 70km, which wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt for, the abysmal headlights on the Ford Ranger, the extremelyRead More …

Southern Africa – Day 41 – Sesriem to Namibrand Family Hideout, Namibia

David wants sunrise photos – so we are up at 4.30am – yes I know – an ungodly hour of the morning! We travel out to the largest dune, Dune 45 – it takes a lot longer and was a much further drive than expected, and we only just gotRead More …

Southern Africa – Day 40 – Swakomund to Sesriem, Namibia

Merry Christmas… After breakfast we pack up and say good bye to this seaside town, we make our way further south. The temperature is only 15- yuck. It quickly warms up to 40deg as soon as we get away from the sea fog. The terrain changes again and we travelRead More …

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